Hi everyone! July promises to be an exhilarating month for all you a cappella fanatics ;)If you haven't been to an a cappella concert this year 2004, you SHOULDN'T miss this one. A CAPPELLA FEST 04 Yup, I'm talking about the A CappellaFest '04. Check out the heavyweights lined up for the evening... Budak Pantai, Ngam, Notations and of course, You DON'T want to miss this. TTT will be airing an original song written by our very talented percussionist AND doing something straight out from American Idol!! A little Motown tribute ;) Date: 30 & 31 July 2004 Time: 7.30pmVenue: ACS (Barker) Concert Hall Tickets: $26 / $22 / $16 (students) Available at www.sistic.com.sg (a word fr the organiser: * School bookings in bulk available. Send an email zara@pacific.net.sg to receive a booking form*) This follows the A Cappella Championship, opened to schools, held at Mox Bar on 16 July, 7pm. There is a cover-charge of $5(min.) for your first drink at the bar. For more informa...