Hello everyone! I hope you have been well. In this issue, we are happy to announce that registration is open for Camp A Cappella on the 3rd of Dec and we hope that we’ll see you there this year! We will be working with top Australian a cappella group, Idea of North and top Indonesian vocal band Jamaica Café and a host of local clinicians. Lots to learn and experience! This issue also brings you many concert announcements from local and visiting groups! Kudos to all the organizers and groups! For young singers, auditions will be held on 5th & 19th of Nov for places in TAS Youth Voices holiday training programme. Do look out for the details! For groups – If you are caroling this year and sharing the Xmas cheer, do send us your dates for the Nov issue. Catch you soon! For The A Cappella Society Angie http://www.a-cappella.org.sg * These updates are correct to our best knowledge. Should there be any errors, kindly note that they are non-intentional. (1) FEATURES Camp A Cappella 2005 3r...