Tickets for NANU XMAS JAM are selling fast.
Hurry to get one of the seats for the afternoon if you have a young child or the evening show, discounted tickets are available for PAssion Card members and students. There will be a shorter, 75min long, afternoon show at 3.30pm for Primary School children and the 90min-evening show at 7.30pm, both at Esplanade Recital Studio.
In two shows, one for children and one for youth and young-at-heart, your favourite local A Cappella groups will bring the season's music closer to you. Expect to hear all your favourite carols and tunes in an intimate and informal setting. But be prepared to be active yourself and to sing along!
21st November, Esplanade Recital Studio
3.30pm, Children's Matinee
7.30pm, Evening show
*Bulk Tickets at $15 (matinee) and $20 (evening show)
Schools may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise up to 60% of
the cost of this program. More details at
*The order form can be obtained at
The A Cappella Society